Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo, Brescia
Art and Culture

Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo Art Gallery

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Recently returned to Brescia’s citizens after being closed for 9 years, Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo reopens to the public presenting a new layout and extremely important works of art, from the Renaissance and its main representatives like Raphael and Lotto to the greatest 19th century painters.

This museum brings Brescia more and more at the centre of cultural and tourist itineraries in Lombardy and northern Italy.

From Raphael and the Renaissance to Hayez and Romaticism

Particularly illustrious names displayed at Pinacoteca are Canova, Hayez, Raphael, Ceruti, and Lotto.

It’s a rich, diversified collection of priceless paintings, including grandiose works by Raphael (Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus, the Angel, the Blessing Christ) which return to Brescia after being displayed in the most important museums worldwide, including National Gallery in London, while Pinacoteca was closed. In addition to the paintings, Pinacoteca also contains sculptures, jewelry, enameled objects, and medals.

The collection of Brescian Renaissance painters is absolutely noteworthy: Moretto, Romanino, Savoldo, Foppa are among the undisputed protagonists of this artistic period and their work is inextricably linked to the region of Brescia.

A completely renewed exhibition layout

Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo has a new, modern appearance. The old Martinengo da Barco palace, built in the 1500s, was restorated and adjusted to host the 21 completely renovated exhibition rooms: tapestry and velvet welcome visitors with a colorful explosion of blue and red, green and silver, before they embark in an engaging, outstanding museum experience comparable to that offered by the main European museums.

The renovation has made the museum easier to navigate, while absolutely respecting the original architecture and structure of the building.

For reservations and information on individual and group tickets, visit the museum page at Fondazione Brescia Musei website.

+39 030 2977833



Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo

Piazza Moretto , Brescia

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Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo

Piazza Moretto • Brescia

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