
Gaver, cross-country skiing paradise

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A circuit of 5 km for competitive cross-country skiing, a 3 km circuit for beginners, and alternative tracks for a total of additional 5 km, with the opportunity to practice alternate and skate.

Sci di fondo al GaverThe snow-covered tracks of Centro Fondo del Gaver in the enchanting Gaver plateau in Adamello Park are ready to welcome you for some winter fun surrounded by marvellous pristine nature at the foot of Mount Blumone.

Skiing at Gaver: useful information

Located in the municipality of Breno, Centro Fondo del Gaver is at 1,500 m of altitude and only 13 km away from Bagolino.

In addition to the 8 km ski mountaineering – snowshoe track, there are several other itineraries marked as summer hiking trails which stretch across 8 or 10 summits, for a total of over 50 km of tracks suitable for ski mountaineering.

  • Cross-country ski school: at Locanda Gaver, tel. +39 0365 99325;
  • Equipment rental: cross-country skiing, ski mountaineering, snowshoes: at Blumon Break tel. +39 0365 904972.

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'+39 0365 99325 (Scuola Sci) - +39 0365 904972 (Noleggio Attrezzature)



Piana del Gaver

Località Piana del Gaver , Breno

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Piana del Gaver

Località Piana del Gaver • Breno

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