
Fishing in Valle Sabbia

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Is fishing your passion? Valle Sabbia is pleased to welcome you to its peaceful lakes, alpine ponds, rivers and brooks. Just let yourself go with your family and enjoy memorable moments far away from the chaotic city life.

Fishing in Valle Sabbia: the incredible shades of its lakes and alpine ponds

Lake Idro is one of the most famous attractions in Valle Sabbia. You can easily get there by car. Wild and flourishing nature is what it’s all about. Thanks to its beautiful promenades, to its park areas and to its fascinating beaches, Lake Idro is the perfect place where couples, groups and families can relax (four-legged friends are more than welcome!).
You can either lay back on a beach and relax enjoying the awesome mountain landscape, or go swimming. Are you passionate about recreational fishing? Enjoy your time fishing the local fish species: perch, pike, chub, eel and “alborelle” ( a typical species from the Cyprinidae family).

And that is not all! Valle Sabbia has even more to offer . In the Maniva area there are two amazing alpine ponds (Laghetto di Vaia and Laghetto Dasdana), where you can spend wonderful revitalizing days or go trout fishing.

The Chiese and Caffaro: two rivers for fishing, exquisite food and refreshing walks

If you love rivers, Valle Sabbia is surely not going to disappoint you! After having gone fishing in the most important rivers of this area (the Chiese and Caffaro rivers), it is impossible not to have a break and go for a walk along their shores. There are a number of exciting paths waiting for you! And when you get hungry, do not hesitate to experience diverse local food (there are some exquisite restaurants specialized in freshwater fish cuisine).

A valid fishing license for Lombardy is mandatory in order to go fishing in the Valle Sabbia area and in Lake Idro. The amateur fishing license can be obtained at any Post Office at the cost of € 23,00 and it is valid for one year. For further information about the local fishing legislation , check the Regione Lombardia website and contact the local associations for sport fishing, e.g. Associazione Pescatori di Storo.

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