
Charlemagne Way

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Charlemagne Way is an itinerary of about 100 km connecting Bergamo to Carisolo. This old route owes its name to the legendary conquest of Camonica Valley by Charlemagne, attested by the construction – at that time – of several churches and by episodes related to the Christian knights following him.

Today, the route is a true immersion in the history and art of this surprising valley, famous worldwide for the 8 parks listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Among nature, medieval towns, and rock engravings

The route crosses fascinating landscapes and touches important churches, towns, and historical sites. Among the not-to-miss stops are Lake Moro, a small gem nestled in the mountains above Darfo Boario Terme; Foppe di Nadro Rock Engraving Park; and Naquane Rock Engraving Park in Capo di Ponte, the first UNESCO World Heritage Site in Camonica Valley. The mountains by Ponte di Legno and Tonale are criss-crossed by Great War trails, some of which are still walkable today.

Charlemagne Way: technical information

Medium difficulty. The route stretches for the most part half-way up the mountains. Recommended time of the year: spring through autumn.

For further information, visit the  official website.

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