
Visit Brescia with the children

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A multi-faceted city with many opportunities for the whole family: discover what to not to miss during your fun-filled day with your children in Brescia!

1) Visit Brescia with the children: light rail tour

The first thrills in Brescia come… When you travel! The city centre is very people-oriented, intimate, and walkable. However, if you want to rest and give your children a thrill, don’t miss a ride on the self-driving light rail.

Once seated on the front seats, the kids will feel like true conductors as they race through illuminated tunnels and charming outdoor portions, some of which are elevated. It’s a great opportunity to relax and explore the city from an unusual perspective, underground and above!

2) Discover the secrets of the castle

A medieval fortress with timeless charm: welcome to Brescia’s Castle, one of children’s most favorite destinations!

Built on Cidneo hill right in the heart of the city, it boasts secret tunnels, passages, a draw bridge, and towers. Also called “Falcon of Italy”, a thousand adventures await you in the castle!

Inside, you will find kid-friendly attractions:

  • “Luigi Marzoli Arms Museum” to admire real armours, swords, halberds, and stunning helmets;
  • the large model railroad in the Piccolo Miglio building is free. Several model trains chug across meadows, cities, pastures – all faithful scale reproductions made by Club Ferromodellistico Bresciano;
  • live night sky observations at Specola Cidnea. Nose in the air, enjoy the magic of the starry sky thanks to the telescopes of Unione Astrofili Bresciani.

Other kid-oriented initiatives at the Castle are:

  • Tour of the towers and the dungeons with the expert guides of Associazione Speleologica Bresciana. This experience is suitable for families with school-age children. You only need a pair of gym shoes and your enthusiasm to participate!
  • Medieval Festival with the historic reenactment “AD 1238 Frederick II and the siege of Brescia”;
  • Cinema under the stars during the summer, with an extensive offering of films for families and children;

Brescia’s castle is just a few minutes away on foot from the city centre and the “San Faustino” light rail stop. For those arriving by car, there is ample free parking on site.

3) Discover Brescia’s Unesco sites with Geronimo Stilton

Did you know that Brescia boasts the biggest archaeological area in northern Italy? Learn all about it with a special host: Geronimo Stilton!

Thanks to the new museum app-game sponsored by Fondazione Brescia Musei, the most famous mouse reporter in Italy will accompany our young friends along unique itineraries, one of which starts at Santa Giulia Museum and ends at the Roman Forum and Roman Brescia Archaeological Park, a UNESCO site.

The archaeological area includes:

  • The temple dedicated to the Capitoline gods (Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva) built in the Imperial age (73-74 AD);
  • The adjacent Roman Temple, whose cavea could host as many as 15,000 spectators!
  • The remains of the forum along the namesake square – check the old chess board engraved in the floor!
  • The archaeological itinerary under Palazzo Martinengo (enter from Piazza del Foro 6) and the Roman basilica, today seat of the superintendence, in Piazza Labus.

Do you want to better understand how old Brixia worked? Watch the video:

Learn about all the details of the project: “Geronimo Stilton. Brescia Musei adventures”.

Let’s not forget about the many additional educational activities, workshops, and special events for children and families organised by Fondazione Brescia Musei. Stay up-to-date about all the upcoming initiatives: bresciamusei.com.

4) Learn about nature and animals with AmbienteParco

Steps from Santa Giulia Museum and Piazzale Arnaldo is Parco dell’Acqua (Water park), a public area where the scientific centre AmbienteParco has its seat.

It’s a true oasis of peace and nature. Its 12,000 sqm host permanent exhibits on the water cycle, energy, the environment, and scientific subjects in general. There are different plant varieties, including a wonderful almost 200-year old weeping beech, and a pond with local fresh water species that can be admired from the fabulous underwater tunnel!

All the educational and interactive itineraries are designed to increase awareness, curiosity, and knowledge among children and adults alike. For further information, visit the official website of AmbienteParco.

5) Cheer for the vintage cars at Mille Miglia, “The most beautiful race in the world”

Since the beginning, Brescia has been the starting point of the most famous vintage car race: Mille Miglia!

Every year in May, for four days the city turns into an open air exhibit of the most beautiful cars in the world. It’s a triumph of colours and celerbration in the squares of the city centre until the long-awaited departure, with over 400 vintage cars roaring down the road to Rome and back to Brescia three days later… which is exactly 1000 miles!

In addition to the anticipation during registration, at the start and at the finish line, you can’t miss the exciting visit to the Mille Miglia Museum, with its rich collection of vintage cars and photos, videos, and objects on display. The exhibit is an intriguing cross section of Italian history, culture, and customs from 1927 to 1957.

6) In the belly of the city with Brescia Underground

What hides in the belly of the city? Come see with your own eyes! Grab your flashlight and boots and follow Brescia Underground’s certified guides for a thrilling tour of underground Brescia.

Brescia Underground

Follow the hidden rivers and canals flow under the popular squares and alleys of the city centre and learn jaw-dropping secrets and legends! Some itineraries are suitable for children 5 years and up.

Is everything ready for your trip to Brescia with the children? Enjoy this marvellous city to the fullest!

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