Food & Wine

The wine route of Franciacorta

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The region’s many attractions are ready for you: discover old towns, castles built over a thousand years ago, noble mansions, old monasteries, gardens, and large green areas. And then, here they are: the vineyard-dotted hills where the delicious Franciacorta DOCG wine is produced. 

Just south-east of Lake Iseo, Franciacorta is one of the most beloved wine tourism destinations. In this welcoming region, everyone can find outdoor activities that best align with their idea of perfect holiday: walks in the vineyards, bike tours, guided excursions, and aperitifs or dinners with unforgettable sunsets in the background.

Strada del Franciacorta wine route: wine lovers paradise

The reference point for tourists is Strada del Franciacorta, 90 km of pure beauty that includes the most marvellous corners of this land. The wine route encompasses evocative hills and picturesque villages, ending at the lake. It touches well-known names in the production of the prestigious wine and allows you to fully immerse in the old wine-making tradition of the area. You cannot miss visiting one of the many wineries open for tours and exclusive tastings accompanied by the best Franciacorta wines.

Associazione Strada del Franciacorta, founded in 2000, offers technical and logistical support to individuals, groups, tour operators, and travel agents to help you experience the most your stay can offer and turn it into an unforgettable experience. For contacts and information: Strada del Franciacorta.

To learn more: Franciacorta: see, taste, do.

+39 030 7760870



La Strada del Franciacorta

via verdi 53 , Erbusco

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La Strada del Franciacorta

via verdi 53 • Erbusco

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