Art and Culture

Teatro Grande

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A 300-year long history. This is Brescia’s Teatro Grande, located in the heart of the old centre where the first public theatre of the city was opened in 1664.

Listed as one of the most important Italian theatres and recognised as national monument in 1912, Teatro Grande has a rich season, with performances ranging from opera and ballet to concerts, dance, cultural initiatives, and children programmes.

Teatro Grande’s music and educational activities

There are many great events at Teatro Grande which combine music and culture. They attract tens of thousands of people every year.

In addition to the rich season featuring opera, ballet, dance, and concerts organised by Fondazione Teatro Grande, let’s not forget the International Piano Festival  with directors,soloists, and orchestras among the most renowned in the world.

Also, Opera Festival, one of the most awaited for events, from dawn to midnight transforms the whole city into a huge stage where the most famous opera pieces are performed. For the full programme, visit the official website of Teatro Grande.

A historical café in the heart of the city

On the northern side of the Ridotto, there is acharming little room in which one can observe the ornamental paintings. Said small room housed the Cafeteria, otherwise known as the Buvette (Buffè) of the theater.

Originally, this room was the executive headquarters of the Academic Regency. A little later, mainly due to supervening, pressing needs of a military nature, the necessary conversion of use into a fencing school took place, the conduct of which was entrusted to the same valiant academicians.

Today, the Caffè del Teatro Grande – Berlucchi is a historical café located in the heart of the city, where to indulge for breakfast, a snack or an “aperitivo” surrounded by a unique environment.

On Saturdays and Sundays, from 10.00 to 20.00, treat yourself to a break among the magnificent frescoes of the Ridotto and the evocative atmosphere of the Sala del Teosa and the Saletta Butterfly. To stay updated on the upcoming openings of the Caffè del Teatro Grande Berlucchi click here.

Guided Tour among the treasures of Grande

Teatro Grande every year opens its doors for guided tours, an exciting series of guided tours to discover the treasures of this one-of-a-kind place.

A not-to-miss experience where you can admire the most beautiful rooms of the theatre, from the boxes to Sala Grande, from the recently restored Ridotto (foyer) to Sala della Deputazione and learn about anecdotes and stories narrated by the protagonists themselves.

Click here for information and news about guided tours!

How to reach Teatro Grande

Centrally located inside the shopping district of Brescia, Teatro Grande is served by several bus routes (Via Mazzini and Via San Martino della Battaglia stops) as well as the light rail (Vittoria stop).

For those who travel by car, there is ample parking in the underground parking of Piazza Vittoria.

+39 030 297 9311



Teatro Grande

Corso Zanardelli 9/a , Brescia

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Teatro Grande

Corso Zanardelli 9/a • Brescia

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