Art and Culture

Santuario Di Monte Castello (Madonna della Stella Shrine)

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In a splendid position on a cliff overlooking the lake, the Santuario Di Monte Castello (Madonna della Stella Shrine) stands on the remains of an old temple turned castle. Inside, it preserves “Casa Santa”, a small temple estimated to have been built in 800 A.D. The interior boasts Giotto-style frescoes. The spectacular view over Lake Garda ranges from Mount Baldo to the Sirmione peninsula.

Santuario di Montecastello, Tignale

Free entrance
Not accessible

Hours: Mon-Sun 9:00am-6:00pm (Easter-October)

'+39 0365 73020 - +39 0365 73019 (da Pasqua)



Santuario di Montecastello

Via Chiesa , Tignale

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Santuario di Montecastello

Via Chiesa • Tignale

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