
Ponte di Legno Tonale Snowpark

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Snowpark Tonale, a snowboarder’s paradise

Grab your board, snap onto it, and have fun with acrobatic moves in upper Camonica Valley! If surfing on ski slopes is not enough for you, you will be happy to know that upper Camonica Valley is not just a preferred destination for classic skiing, but also for snowboarding, freestyling, and riding. Indeed, at 2,000 metres of altitude, you will find Snowpark Tonale.

Top-class snowboarding for everyone

Snowpark Ponte di Legno

Snowpark Tonale is a perfect facility for experts, but also for beginners. There are three areas: a rider snowpark, a beginner park, and a skicross slope.

With southern exposure, the area not only enjoys full sun exposure all day, but also daily maintenance and smoothing to make sure that all riders have safe rides in perfect conditions every morning.

Snowpark is easily reachable through the Valena 4-seat chair lift which starts right by the Adamello Ski ticket office in Passo del Tonale (the ride is less than 2 minutes.)

Snowboarding and Relaxation

In between runs, you can relax for a minute in the chill-out area half-way down the snowpark. Enjoy the breathtaking views on a deck chair, listening to music.

An awarded snowpark

Snowpark Tonale was awarded the “Snowpark Top” rating by Skiresort.it, the largest portal that reviews ski resorts in the world.

Snowpark Tonale offering:

    • Snowpark / Funpark
  • Boardercross
  • Kicker (Jump / Ramp)
  • Rail/ Slide (snowboard)
  • Box (snowboard)
  • Wall Ride (snowboard)
  • Corner / Hip (snowboard)
  • Wave Riding (snowboard)
    Panoramic chill-out zone

Information and opening hours

Snowpark Tonale is open in the winter season every day from 10am to 4pm.

Find out more on www.pontedilegnotonale.com

Snowpark Tonale

Via Circonvallazione, 11 , Passo del Tonale

Where is it located?


Snowpark Tonale

Via Circonvallazione, 11 • Passo del Tonale

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