Bicycle touring

Greenway Valli Resilienti bike trails

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Bike trails suitable for all bikers, from downhill and MTB enthusiasts to those who prefer slow or road bikes. It’s Greenway Valli Resilienti, a widespread system of mountain bike trails in the most beautiful landscapes of Trompia and Sabbia valleys.

Greenway, Trompia and Sabbia valley bike trail system

74 itineraries, 75,158 m of total change in altitude. These are the stunning numbers of this incredible network of roads and trails in the heart of Brescia’s Prealps, designed to quench the thirst for adrenaline of all types of bikers.

Ciclabile Greenway, Valli Resilienti

First, good news for extreme bikers. There are well over 1,400 km and 48 itineraries awaiting their mountain bikes, well-marked according to difficulty level. Among the most challenging, yet fascinating, we mention Crinale tour departing from Maniva Pass and passing by the city of Brescia. Several choices are also available for road biking and bicycle touring, with 24 and 2 itineraries respectively. In addition to historic, cultural, natural, and food&wine attractions along the itinerary, there are over 20 bike-friendly accommodation facilities offering bike rental and repair and tour guide and tour leader services.

The website Greenway Valli Resilienti contains all the useful information needed to plan your trip. Maps of the itineraries, GPX traces, e-bike charging stations, restaurants, lodging, and the most significant attractions along the way are indicated in this new portal, a true reference point for those who want to experience this not-to-miss opportunity to discover incredible historic and cultural sites typically off-the-beaten path.

Valli Resilienti Project

A project of AttivAree by Fondazione Cariplo, Valli Resilienti Project’s mission is to promote the areas of Trompia and Sabbia valleys by highlighting their cultural, historic, and tourist potential.

For additional information, visit the official Valli Resilienti website.

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