Bicycle touring

From Paratico to Seniga, in the plain along Oglio river

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The final part of Oglio River Bike Route takes bikers from Lake Iseo to Seniga and follows for the most part the course of the river, which also represents the western limit of the Province of Brescia. The route partially overlaps Oglio River Green Path and Oglio River Bike Path created by the Province of Brescia, both marked by specific individual signs. To follow Oglio River Bike Route, download the gps trace from

The rhythm of the ride is the same as the slow flow of Oglio waters and of numerous smaller streams present throughout the route, whose waters
are controlled by ingenuous and often ancient regulation systems. Most of the itinerary is inside Oglio River Regional Park. The municipalities encountered
are, in order: Paratico, Capriolo, Palazzolo sull’Oglio, Pontoglio, Urago d’Oglio, Rudiano, Roccafranca, Orzinuovi, Villachiara, Borgo San Giacomo, Quinzano d’Oglio, Verolavecchia, Pontevico, Alfianello, and Seniga.

Interesting natural, historical, artistic, and museum sites can be admired along the route or with a short detour of a few kilometres maximum.

Among others, you will see Bosco dell’Isola Nature Reserves (in Roccafranca and Orzinuovi), Bosco di Barco (in Orzinuovi), Bosco della Marisca and Isola dell’Uccellanda (in Villachiara), all environmentally noteworthy sites with fauna and flora protected at European level.

Oglio River was historically a boundary, as testified by some fortresses and castles such as the ones in Paratico (castle and tower), Capriolo (fortress turned into a convent), Palazzolo (remains of the old castle and monastery), Orzinuovi (San Giorgio castle), Padernello (fortified manor house surrounded by a moat), and Villachiara (castle).

These sites, together with numerous large churches and small chapels, enrich the experience of biking along Oglio River Bike Route in the portion crossing the region south of Lake Iseo. Pedalling can also become the opportunity to learn more about the western portion of the Brescia region.


Point of departure: Paratico, altitude 190m

Point of arrival: Seniga, altitude 38m

Length: 74 km

Difference in height: 152 m

Type of bicycle required: mountain bike

Difficulty: EASY

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