Art and Culture, Food & Wine

Flavour Train

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Multi-sensory train ride in Franciacorta and Lake Iseo

Treno dei Sapori

The Flavour Train is a multi-sensory journey where art, culture, history, nature, and food&wine meet. A trip to nearby Franciacorta and Lake Iseo on board a completely renovated early 20th-century train.

It is possible to choose between different itineraries, each with its own programme of guided tours to discover the region’s treasures. On board, you will enjoy typical products accompanied by local wines, selected by certified sommeliers.

Aimed at

Couples, families with children.

What is included

Guide for the whole day, admissions, aperitif and lunch on board the train, insurance.

What is not included

Everything not mentioned above, personal extras.

Suggested attire

Comfortable clothes.


No indication. Contact the organisation.

+39 030 6854201




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