Art and Culture

Castello – Rocchetta and Torre del Popolo or San Fedele (Castle)

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The castle, called “Rocha Magna”, was built on the left bank of Oglio river between the 9th and 10th centuries. Over the base of one of its towers, Torre del Popolo or San Fedele was built (85 m.) Opposite the fortification lies the “Rocchetta”, a square tower built to guard the Roman bridge (4th century A.D.) A little further away rises an imposing defensive tower.

The outdoor area is open to the public
Partially accessible
Guided tours available, please contact the number above.

'+39 030 7405522/520 (Ufficio Cultura e Turismo)




Centro storico , Palazzolo sull'Oglio

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Centro storico • Palazzolo sull'Oglio

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