Bicycle touring

Between Iseo and Polaveno, from Lake Iseo to Valle Trompia

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To go from Lake Iseo to Valle Trompia, in addition to numerous hiking trails you will also find some passes open to cars and therefore accessible to road bikes. The southernmost pass connects the town of Iseo to Polaveno in Val Trompia and is called Passo dei Tre Termini.

The route which leads to this pass from Lake Iseo is always very popular among cyclists. It is an ascent with rather low average slope (about 6 percent) and moderate length, and is therefore accessible to those who have a basic level of training. However, even well-trained bikers use it when they want to refine their preparation using long gears.

From the centre of Iseo (Via Roma) go up along Via Silvio Bonomelli until you pass under the link road to the provincial road which descends towards the lake. Continue past the first panoramic right hairpin turn. A long, almost straight stretch passes by the pillars of the elevated state road, before presenting a large turn to the left overlooked by a forest of chestnut trees. In the section of road that follows you can admire the beautiful view of lower Lake Iseo and then you take a wide turn to the right and cycle between olive and cypress trees. After a long turn to the left near Bosine, you will lose sight of the lake for the rest of the ride. Farms, meadows, woods, and vineyards border the road, which is always smooth. The final stretch is a climb without turns which requires a little extra effort and will take you to the sign for Passo dei Tre Termini, located at the foot of the southern slope of Punta dell’Orto.

You can return by the same way or extend the route with a short transfer to Polaveno and from there you descend to Ome and return from Monticelli Brusati and Provaglio d’Iseo. If you have a mountain bike, you can select alternative descent routes such as the one connecting Zoadello di Polaveno to Monticelli Brusati.


Point of departure: Iseo, altitude 201m

Point of arrival: Passo dei Tre Termini, altitude 673m

Closest railway station: Iseo (

Length: 8 km

Difference in height: 472 m

Type of bicycle required: road bike

Difficulty: EASY

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