About us

Visit Brescia

Visit Brescia, the Destination Management Organization promoting tourism in Brescia and its province.

A reference point for tourists, journalists, operators, and tour operators undertaking stays and journeys to discover the nature, landscapes, taste, art, architecture, well-being, and sports offerings of the area, Visit Brescia is a non-profit organization operating in the service of businesses in the area through promotion activities conducted both in Italy and abroad.

Our Services

Visit Brescia conceives and promotes projects for the territorial tourism promotion, promo-commercialization initiatives for operators in the Brescia tourism sector, and web marketing activities aimed at diverse audiences and targets, with the goal of consolidating the tourist appeal of the city and the province, conveyed through both traditional methods and the latest digital tools.

In addition to enhancing the territory, Visit Brescia implements widespread and detailed actions to increase awareness of the Brescia tourism offering in Italy and around the world, including:

  • Participation in workshops and fairs in Italy and abroad
  • Creation of informative brochures
  • Coordinated publications and informative materials
  • Educational Tours dedicated to Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, and content & Travel Creators capable of attracting the online audience
  • Organization of press trips aimed at national and international media, which, through Visit Brescia, can rely on assistance, information, and materials for the realization of journalistic and audiovisual services.

Simultaneously, Visit Brescia plans and coordinates training proposals for all operators in the tourism sector, significant events, and professional development opportunities to better respond to the needs of guests, tourists, and travelers.

Stay connected with Visit Brescia!

Follow all our activities through the website www.visitbrescia.it and on the social channels of @visitbrescia: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, and YouTube.

+39 030 3725403


Visit Brescia

Via Luigi Einaudi 23,
25121, Brescia

P.IVA/CF: 02403340983 Registro imprese di Brescia n. 02403340983 Rea n. 446647

I nostri soci

Consiglio di Amministrazione

Marco Polettini

Graziano Pennacchio
Amministratore delegato

Barbara Chiodi
Consigliere di amministrazione

Ilaria Mirani
Consigliere di amministrazione

Gianluigi Vimercati
Consigliere di amministrazione


Manuel Gabriele

Barbara Bino
Project manager

Chiara Cerasoli
Project manager

Alice Carolo
Project manager

Debora Simbeni
Web marketing & Social media manager

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